Apparently they don't like snakes... I wish Michael Cera had talked more. Apparently he's dating the weirdo asian girl from Knocked Up, Charlene Yi. Yeah, what?! Well at least it comforts me that he's down with asians.
I'm not really a big fan of her, but she looks really cute. She's too hoity toity uptight preachy take me seriously snob for my taste. I like her better when she's not taking herself so seriously like in that SNL skit where she raps. That was tight.
Styled by Dolce & Gabbana and photographed by Steven Klein. These pictures don't really compliment her well in my opinion. I already posted the cover and commented on how much I love that bikini.
It's Jamie Hince from the Kills! I doubt they're really together. But everyone should know that he's really fucking cool-- way cooler than Pete Doherty (cuz uh Jamie isn't a belligerent addict) and they'd probably make a cute couple.
Yay! Of course Owen Wilson (for obvious reasons involving suicide attempts), Natalie Portman (probably saving starving children with AIDs and tetanus or something), and Anjelica Huston (for some reason) were not there. But Bill Murray was! And Adrien Brody's got some serious coke dealer look going on.